Laura Boronski

Laura Boronski is a Catholic wife, mother of 8, singer, songwriter, teacher, Certified Functional Nutrition counselor, author, and motivational speaker. Here you can find her music, what she's up to, and how to contact her.

If you’re looking for her Functional Nutrition Counseling services, please click here.





This cd includes six original songs embracing our imperfectness, and our need for Our Lord to complete us. 

1. In This Hour - a song about Adoration

2. Then He Smiled - a story about a visit with Jesus

3. Pull Me In - a song that I wrote to escape the noise and confusion of our world

4. Stronger - This is a song about how strong we can be when we offer up our weakness to God

5. Because I Love You - a reminder from Our Lord told as a wonderful love story

6. Jesus Knows Me - a raw track as it came to me


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