Laura Boronski

Laura Boronski is a Catholic wife, mother of 8, singer, songwriter, teacher, Certified Functional Nutrition counselor, author, and motivational speaker. Here you can find her music, what she's up to, and how to contact her.

If you’re looking for her Functional Nutrition Counseling services, please click here.

Sometimes we just need a good AS kicking..

Yes! I thank Him daily for his AS kickings. 

This pearl of wisdom was dropped on me by the Holy Spirit a year or so ago, and it's time to share it with the rest of you battle weary people. When I find myself falling into some old bad habits, I have found that Jesus is right there to deliver a well placed AS kicking. It always sets me back on track. 

You know, like a good swat from your parent - sometimes that's all it takes to snap us out of it. 

So when I get frustrated with the world, or find myself in a rut, or feel the loneliness of trying to raise Catholic kids in a sick, secular world, there He is:

Love one another AS I have loved you!  ~ John 13:34

Be perfect AS your Heavenly Father is perfect! ~ Matthew 5:48

As obedient children, do not conform to the passions of your former ignorance.                                                                           But just be holy AS He who called you is holy! ~ 1Peter 1:15

Be merciful, just AS your Father is merciful! ~ Luke 6:36

Wives, submit to your husbands AS to the Lord! ~ Ephesians 5:24

(and to be fair) Husbands, love your wives AS Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her! ~ Ephesians 5:25

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just AS Christ has forgiven you! ~ Ephesians 4:32

See? now take it like a warrior and move forward! Onward and upward. Pray for me and know that I pray for you daily!!!

In His Peace, Laura