Mothers, please!
These are tough times.
Don't lose heart! You have found favor with God! By your very vocation - by your opening up your heart and soul to welcome and nurture and love to the point of suffering that new creation of God - you are in a special and honored place in His family. So many graces are available to you. So very many graces. Our Lord is right there with you at every struggle, every offering (which are many in our line of work) and every joy. Our Blessed Mother is there to comfort you in all those silent trials that only mothers know.
"In my brokenness You shape me. In my emptiness You complete me. In my scatteredness You bind me. In my loneliness You find me." LJB2016
The devil tries to undermine our work at every turn. Don't be fooled by his lies. Your work is sacred. It is important. It is worthy. YOU are worthy. In many cases he attacks the mother because he knows that she is the first line of defense for a family. We are the nurturers! We are the spiritual powerhouses! (even if we don't understand this yet). We have the stamina! We have the ability to fight without ceasing! We must be vigilant. We must prepare. We must train up our children to be strong witnesses of God's love and light.