To Buffalo NY! way of Nashville TN, Greenville SC, Marshfield WI, Myrtle Beach SC, Buffalo NY
What a Lent it has been!
God has blessed me with opportunities to reach out to so many people in so many places in the past two months.
I am posting some new pictures in the gallery of my travels.
Recording my new cd “Lost and Found” in Nashville was quite the experience. What talented musicians! When we recorded Rock a Bye, you could have heard a pin drop. Hearts were moved. Thank you Jesus!
Many lessons learned there and of course, mind blown by our Lord as well. He never ceases to amaze me with His guidance and His mercy.
I had the privilege of singing and speaking around the states:
Greenville, SC: The Belonging women’s conference in Greenville, SC. What a joy to connect with so many beautiful Catholic Women!
Myrtle Beach, SC: Saint Andrews Catholic Church Confirmation prep “Super Sunday” with all the young people and their parents.
Marshfield WI: gave a women’s retreat “Swimming upstream:Keeping the faith in this secular world!” that was chock full of healing and empowerment through the Holy Spirit, Sang my Stations of the Cross at their beautiful St John the Baptist church, visited three schools there to talk to the kids about being connected to the power of the Mystical Body of Christ and sing the Stations of the Cross.
Buffalo, NY: I was able to participate in “Soup, Song, and Stations” at St Martin of Tours where I was able to share my Stations of the Cross and reconnect with some old friends, talked to the Religious Education students and their teachers about Lent and powering up with the Holy Spirit, visited St Teresa’s and St Thomas Aquinas in South Buffalo as well to cantor Mass and share my Stations of the Cross. I was able to visit the student body of Chesterton Academy as well and share my Stations with them. What a beautiful group!
Myrtle Beach, SC: back again to my home parish where I was blessed to have the opportunity to give one of the Lenten Talks to our parishioners, “Keeping it Catholic, real life, real family, real world” and sing the Stations of the Cross.
I will be visiting the local schools this week and next to do more of the same, including the students of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton High School, Our Lady Star of the Sea Religious Education department, Holy Trinity Elementary, and Coastal Carolina University and their Catholic Students at the Lackey Chapel on campus.
Thank you Jesus!